The artists within 515 are called NOMADS.
NOMADS are supported by the Global Arts International Association ~ G.A.I.A.
NOMADS are artists that wish to share their message and art with all people.
NOMADS work, music and art can happen anywhere and at anytime. Therefore, the studio, gallery and stage for the NOMAD is the WORLD.
NOMADS Artists to date:- Des Butler. Paul John O’Hara. Gemi Ryan O’Hara. Alexander Rose Orion ~ {www.mobiusloop.co.uk} ~ Katie Rose Orion. Zaia Rose Orion. Sean Daniel O’Hara ~ {www.seanobongo.com} ~ Jess Summersgill. Michelle Eden. Silas Eden. Julie Massam. Ben Massam. Justine Flynn. Roxanne Flynn. Mia Flynn. Alicia Duffy. Nick Duffy. Robb Stacey. Andy O’Donnell. James Hull. Christine Reader. Annie Hilton. Henna Hilton. Jane Smith. Dave Eaton. Barry Norton. Jack the Trolley. Michael Yusaf {RIP}. Andy Irvine. Tom Robinson. Dave Watkins. Kelly Watkins. Sean Zaneboni. Nathan Bowe. Sonny {RIP}. Reverend George Brady. Adele Brady. Josh Holden. Ross Yates. Jenny Rose. Lewis. Tim Saunders. Rebecca Saunders. Chris Greenwood. Alma Luna. Dan Zuckerberg. Joe Millican. Zoe Banks. George Sumner Junior. Rebecca Gregson. Harry Sharp. Libby Anne. Danny Clifton. Maria Thompson. Danielle Kyle. Tom Metcalfe. Jack Charlesworth. Molly Wilson. Leah Sophia. Dan Moorcroft. Mick Brady. John Brady {RIP}. Darren Taylor. Jakob Tynan. Elliot the Raven. Jonny Bell. Ben Fletcher. Dave Munro aka ‘Felonius Monk’. Mobius Loop. The Beatnik Collective. Worldwise Samba Drummers and all the other thousands of NOMADS and beautiful people who have worked and created art with us over the years.